In the last issue of The Liberator Online, Advocates President Sharon Harris shared her love for Leonard Reed’s classic essay “I, Pencil.”
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has created a great six-minute “I, Pencil” video that explores that same message.
The video opens with a quote from G.K. Chesterton: “We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders.”
It then proceeds to open our eyes to some astounding, but generally unappreciated and ignored, wonders that surround us — beginning with the humble yellow pencil.
When you understand the story of “I, Pencil” you will never view a “simple pencil” — or any other manufactured object — the same way again. Your mind will be opened and you will see that there are indeed miracles and marvels all around you, every moment of every day.
The website hosting “I Pencil” has several other short films and written material that build further on the message of “I, Pencil.” CEI hopes this will enable teachers, professors and lecturers to make easy use of “I, Pencil” as a teaching tool. Share it with friends.