The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is responsible for many Americans’ first contact with libertarian ideas. While traveling around the country, I have often heard people say, ‘I never knew I was a libertarian until I took the Quiz!’
Ron Paul
The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a person’s political leanings.
The Washington Post, June 17, 2001
The World's Smallest Political Quiz is proving a revelation in Britain and America. For many it has exposed their true political leanings for the first time.
Abul Taher, The Sunday Times of London, (U.K.), October 24, 2004
The World’s Smallest Political Quiz stands ready to help you determine your political identity. Quick and relatively painless.
USA Today, September 5, 2001
Take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz online and you can figure out just where you really stand!
Neal Boortz, syndicated radio talk show host
Give this quiz a try. It’s fun, and who knows, you may be surprised at what you find.
Bill Mann, Politics on the Net
The goal of the Quiz is to give a fast, fun, and accurate assessment of a person’s overall political views, and to place those views on a new multi-spectrum ‘political map’ that is far more accurate, insightful, and diversified than older political guidelines (such as the ‘left-right’ line).
The Fraser Institute (Vancouver, Canada)
I just took an online political quiz that you should try. It takes less than a minute, but it will help you look at politics in a whole new way.
Joe Nicassio, Guerrilla PR Insights, November 7, 2005
The most concise and accurate political quiz out there.
Suite University (www.Suite101.com)
Many people find politics either too boring or too frustrating to tolerate in large doses. One possible cause for this estrangement is the linear nature of the established political spectrum. The left-versus-right system was inadequate to begin with. Political thought throughout history has never been so narrow as to be contained by such simplicity. The solution: the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. This quiz features two sets of five questions. Each question tests the participant’s idea of how much government is necessary. The results give a much clearer idea of where people stand as political thinkers than the old system. The entire political landscape could change for the better by taking one simple test.
Maggie Ownbey, L.A. Valley Star, November 16, 2005
Here is something that you may find interesting for locating your position in the political spectrum. It’s called the World’s Smallest Political Quiz and will take less than five minutes to complete. You may be surprised at the accuracy of the results!
Paul & Layne Cutright, Enlightened Partnership Newsletter, October 1, 2004
The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is savvy and willing to tell you the truth.
YAHOO! Magazine
Will help students uncover their personal political party affiliation and ideology. Rather than predicting a student’s political party affiliation, the site predicts which political philosophy the student inhabits (centrist, libertarian, left liberal, right conservative, etc.).
William Russell, Learning & Leading with Technology, November 2004
[An] irresistible political quiz. Find out why it’s so popular.
Channel 7 NBC-TV (San Diego), July 8, 2004.
World’s Smallest Political Quiz is self-explanatory; it’s a small quiz that identifies your political views. It’s a quick and easy little quiz and it’ll help you see where you stand in your nation’s political views.
“Best and Coolest Sites Around”, AskMen.com
I absolutely love your political quiz. I use it to help students understand their own political stances and the political climate of the United States. I have found the quiz to be amazingly accurate and an invaluable tool for my political philosophy courses.
Joel W. Cade (Philosophy Instructor, Loyola University, Chicago)
Very good, simple quiz to understand your political alignment — not based on party politics or labels, but on generalities and issues.
If you’re not sure quite where you stand in the political mix… head on over to the self-proclaimed World’s Smallest Political Quiz. [The] quiz just might be the easiest and most painless way ever to determine what your philosophy is. In no time at all you’ll have a pretty valid indicator of whether you’re liberal, conservative, centrist, libertarian or authoritarian.
Kevin Saylor, The Knoxville News (Tennessee), January 23, 2004
We could continue to hobble along with the vague and confusing left-right political spectrum, but fortunately, something better has come along. This has now been transformed into an amusing little computer program called The World’s Smallest Political Quiz. When I brought it in to my office, everyone wanted to try it out.
Karen Selick, Canadian Lawyer, May 1995
A while back I stumbled upon [the Advocates for Self-Government] Web site. On this site was what they called the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. I urge anyone who may be naive or in doubt of their political persuasion to go take this survey.
Adam Fowler, University of South Florida Oracle, July 18, 2005
While there are many sites on the Web that profess to tell you your political views, this one actually does a fairly good job and, as claimed, it is incredibly short! This is a fun way to get more information on the different political ideologies…
W. Phillips Shively (Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota)
If politics has been a bit heavy for you lately, why not lighten up with the World’s Smallest Political Quiz… Within seconds, you will be scored and know what your political philosophy is. It is refreshingly simple and quick.
Kate Harrison, The Westmorland Gazette (UK), May 21, 2004
Amazingly accurate for something so small and concise.
Brandon Wojcik-Tremblay, The Black & Red (North Gwinnett High School, Suwanee, Georgia), October 2004
Still not sure where you stand? You don’t have to be a libertarian to take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. The Advocates of Self-Government will give you their nutshell version of your political identity.
Our Times (Bedford/St. Martin Publishing
If you are fed up with political labels, then take the world’s smallest political quiz to uncover your true political identity.
Smart Computing
Harto de etiquetas ‘de izquierdas’ o ‘de derechas’? Usa la nueva brujula politica para examinar tu identidad a traves del World’s Smallest Political Quiz. Lo recomendamos personalmente! Es completo, didactico y divertido.
Xavier Cañada & Elena Granados, Universidad Granada (Spain)
You should definitely take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to find out where you fall on the political spectrum — you might be surprised!
James W. Moore (Professor of Music, Campbellsville University, Kentucky)
This instantly-evaluated questionnaire diagnoses your political position, but instead of using the usual one-dimensional system (along a left-right continuum) to classify political positions, it uses a two-dimensional one.
Lester H. Hunt (Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison)
If you think that you’re either a liberal or a conservative, take the … political quiz created by Advocates for Self-Government. As this quiz should make clear, the terms liberal and conservative do not adequately describe the whole of the political debate. They are inadequate measures of the complexity of political problems and the great variety of human beliefs and concerns.
Will Hawkins, The Student Life, Pomona College (Claremont, California), October 14, 1999
I have been using the Quiz in my American Government class for about five years. Students usually find it to be an eye-opener.
Sean D. Foreman, Ph.D. (Professor, Union Institute & University, North Miami, Florida)
Use this simple 10-question quiz to discover your political identity. A good conversation-starter at parties!
You may doubt the accuracy of the title, but give the quiz a try; it’s a neat (and maybe even accurate) gauge of personal philosophies.
Answer 10 questions and find out where you are on the spectrum.
Betsy Newmark (AP Government and Politics Teacher, Raleigh Charter High School, North Carolina)
Want to know where you stand on the political spectrum? Take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz.
Susan Shivers (U.S. Government Teacher, Madison Central High School, Mississippi)
Simple and fascinating!
David Citron, New On The Internet
Take the quiz! It’s quick. It’s easy. And it might surprise you!
Rick Lahrson, Superior Software
Take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to find out your political identity.
Mark J. Perry (Economics Professor, University of Michigan at Flint, popular blogger, frequent TV news show guest)
Although this quiz is provided by a Libertarian organization, it does not lead you to answer in any particular way.
Cynthia Carter (History and Political Science Professor, Florida Community College, Jacksonville)
A simple way to determine your place in the political spectrum. It only takes a minute…
The Free Press (Kinston, North Carolina), October 30, 2004
Discover your political leanings. Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map!
Alternate Solutions Institute (Lahore, Pakistan)
[Most political] definitions are simplistic and the differences between them are often more apparent than real. The most practical delineation of [political] thought would be best represented by the two dimensional grid used in some political ‘tests’ and such as that used by the Advocates for Self-Government.
Norman Council, Newtopia Magazine, April/May 2004
My students and I had a lot of fun this week trying to determine where we stood on the political spectrum by taking this Political Quiz.
Dr. Samuel B. Fee (Professor, Information Technology & Society, Washington & Jefferson College, Pennsylvania)
I teach government…and routinely bookmark your website as a quick way for students to gauge where they fit in along the political continuum. I like it because it’s fast, amazingly accurate, and gives an overview of the different philosophies.
Robert Creasey (Government Instructor, Western Iowa Tech Community College, Sioux City, Iowa)
If you aren’t sure what your political ideology is, you can take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, which places you on a diamond-shaped political spectrum (rather than the standard left/right straight line). Bear in mind that it is a libertarian quiz. Still, it’s a good tool for helping you to determine roughly where you fit.
9-11Peace.org Bulletin, September 5, 2002
Fed up with political labels? Then take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to uncover your true political identity.
New York City’s Comptroller’s Office
Eye-opening. [Reveals] that our most important issues aren’t always left/right…
Tom Doolittle, The Story (Decatur, Georgia), October 28, 2004
An interactive tool for identifying your political ideology.
Terrence A. Doyle, Ph. D. & Doug Gotthoffer, Quick Guide to the Internet
I suggest you take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. Discover where your political beliefs really lie…
Christopher Douglas Cole, The Tucson Citizen (January 7, 2005)
What form of government do you support? How do you fall on key questions of governance? You can define your basic political philosophy using this easy quiz.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
If you’re still on the fence of where you stand politically, there’s a quiz you can take to help find your political identity. The … purpose of the quiz [is] to give a fast and accurate assessment of a person’s overall political views.
News 8 TV (Austin Texas), July 30, 2004
Delightful and informative.